Selasa, 26 April 2011

5 Type The Best Laptops For Women.

Many diagnostic woman feel a personal computer is a necessity. Computers can help you in every need, both personal needs and the needs of the office. Now the laptop has come to simplify your affairs and can be taken wherever you go.

This is the fifth best laptop suitable for women:

1. Mac water
  For you Mac lovers, must have known that Apple launched the Mac Book Air which has many advantages. For women of course very suitable because of its thin and very light. In addition, the speed of data storage and easy function to make the Mac Air laptops favorite one woman.

2. Sony Vaio
  Sony Vaio VPC-Z1390X describe gambungan perfect multimedia notebook and mobility. Despite having a very light weight, but has a 2.53 GHz Core i5 feature-460M processor. Sony Vaio also features High-resolution screen, mobile broadband and 3G networks that can connect you virtually anywhere. When you want something durable and looks sturdy laptop then this is the type you are looking for.

3. Dell XPS 15
  Latest Dell 15-inch sail is designed based on multimedia with powerful specifications. In audio systems, the Dell XPS equipped subwoofers, speakers certified that can help you make skype calls on business associates, family or even if you are traveling partner.

  IPAD is actually not a laptop. IPAD is a brand-new gadget made ​​by Apple Inc. that has a display similar to the iPod Touch and iPhone, only it was bigger than the two products. Mobility iPad considered to be very perfect for the woman even more so if you already have a child. If you're fun, you and your baby can play games with that contained in the application iPad. Together with your child, you also can read that story, just by touching the iPad.

5. Gateway Laptops
  Gateway new officially marketed in Indonesia. Gateway laptop has a concept laptop ID Series which has an exclusive design with the aspects of artistic and aerodynamic in design. With a screen size of 14 inch, you can be "satisfied" enjoy every image on your screen.

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